Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Festival Central

Yesterday was the Raki Festival and what a lot of excitemnet it generates. This festval is for Brothers and Sisters to tell each other they are special and to visit each other. Lovely little bracelets are made by sisters and gifted to Brothers, so everyone ends up with an armfull of spakles.
Here is Kanchen at the very serious business of sparkle buying- they are rather beautiful I also have a small collection to have a belated Raki when I get to Oz, although both my brothers sputtered when I suggested they might wear sparkly braclets- why?

Giving a Raki- it is tied to the wrist, then a small puja- blessing anointing the forhead with red paste and a morsel of sweets to eat.
Laughing because we were caught on camera- Kanchen in her pyjamas, me in my painting clothes- we should be all lovely dressed like Divya , our golden girl.
Some of the little motifs- white metal, enamelled and adorned with sparkles- all refer to Ganesha, Shiva or Krishna.
Interesting on the roads yesterday- ladies are free on all government buses- so they were bursting with beautifully dressed ladies heading out- only space for men was to sit on the roof! More people everywhere than usual....hard to imagine though I find that.
Here are some lovely boys all dressed for Raki- Manu in blue and Uri in red
Nice to take the time to tell someone you love they are special :)
I spent the day in the workshop painting, here is one of our many visitors. More pictures on this link

1 comment:

KerryFelter said...

What an amazing life you lead!!