Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sunday again

I think the only way I keep track of time is noticing the Sundays as I  am at the workshop again.
I had a date with indigo, the henna leaves have been cooked but had to put it off until this afternoon....
Workshop again.
We work like crazy but just can't get far enough ahead... So Bulbir my pattern guy and I are in for half day, the builders are here for full day.
I am perched on a stool in the corner of our lovely, freshly renovated cutting room, extra fans installed make a nice breeze and typing on my phone.
If I don't go upstairs and turn the computer on, perhaps I am not so much here.
Samples are for Anjelms... So looking forward to seeing this all come together. It is going to be a strong collection. Keep your eye on her. It is a little last minute but we've got set dates now for next range so there is not the pressure and she will be ready to start chasing wholesale. Contact her if you are interested.
We've stitched for Gaelle for quiet a few years now, really appreciate a kindred soul around fair trade, sustainable production and heritage techniques and her warmth and encouragement. She is such a hard working member of her community. She sets the design agenda... we support with ideas on how to bring it off.
This week has been busy.
Got off the train from holiday.... all 1 free day of it ! At 6.00am and was in the workshop by 8.00am!
My grandmother Chalton was great on bon mot and used to say "no rest for the wicked" wish I could remember what I did, and do hope it was fun because I am certainly running double time now.
NAN C always made things fun. Even as a little kid if she wanted you to stay clean while she got ready to go out, she would challenge you to a statue contest. Just how long before you move?
I really appreciated her kindness in my life ( better than the slap I would have got at home (: ) and it taught me to look for fun as an approach. So we work incredibly hard but Praveen and I have a lot if laughs along the way and generally instil that into our gang. Some days a strict boss needs to growl but generally not often. Yeh

I have been sort of vague for a while over enquiries for workshops with us, interest is increasing so we spent time this week writing up some offerings.
Look at the studio link on our websites.  Got a few more ideas to add in as I sort out photos and info sheets.... must have been so, so wicked haha!
Pricing it is so hard... there are materials to cover, easy enough but I also have to allow for my time and staff time pulled from other jobs.... It adds up a bit but I think it is fair.
I know we offer a good experience to people and they are welcome to hang around and soak up the ambience. Our workshop is a great place to sit in the corner and fiddle and watch everything happening.
I hope to have more time for that one day. Haha.

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