Thursday, September 05, 2019

logic is a many splendid thing

Somedays it is crazy.
Our village has one through road and many lanes.
The guys who come to buy huge hampers of rose petals pull up in the middle of the through road and open shop.
I arrive, honk, honk to get them to clear the road.
The start the truck and pull 1 meter aside and all is good.
Would that have been easier in the first place?
Then I meet our native bird, resplendent in his new tail, calling to the girls.
I go slow and give him plenty of time to get off the road but he does a road runner thing for 500m before the idea sinks in.
Ohh India, you got to laugh.

I kind of thought it was universal
but really
there is a cultural element to what people consider logical ...

I do think language has a lot to do with it, too.
I am a native English speaker, we have a lot of words and like to define exactly what we are talking about from the start.
I live in India, here the approach is to give some much vaguer statement and then say "MUTLAB" translates to "meaning" and talk about it for 5, 15 or 35 minutes, have things as clear as mud and often go off and do something totally different.

Could drive you [ or my the Australian ] nuts I will tell you :) Haha

Do you laugh or cry. I try and opt for the laugh, most days.

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