Friday, February 05, 2021


 Gamcha obsessions

Bengal is famous for its handweaving and every home has a few Gamchas around- they are a Bengal bath towel and favoured dress of workers everywhere in the tropical heat.

Bright and bold colours- they are a favourite with our guests when we are on tour [Creative Arts Safaris- our reason to slip out of the workshop on occasion].

Since the first one I spotted I have wanted to make quilts, here is our first batch. I don’t know when we will have more, we have to wait for the Great Pause to finish and let us travel again. Cosy throws for the sofa or a picnic blanket these lightweight quilts will be loved for years to come.

Our first pile of quilts
Rickshaw puller dressed in gamcha
Gamcha seller in the Sundarbans- after a day out looking for tigers a little gamcha therapy is fun
This guy with his shop on a pushbike did not know what to think.... he was totally in shock at first to see all these foreigners and then we were accosting him and wanting to see his gamcha... and there was a little gentle scrambling over some of them too.

He was so chuffed by the time we reduced his pile by half, I bet he is still thinking of us.

Day wear Gamvha
The amazing flower markets of Kolkata all the vendors wear gamcha, I have a few dresses I made out of gamchas and I always wear one on the day we visit the markets- it is noticed and get the thumbs up 👍

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