Friday, November 03, 2006

dusty Delhi

I am in Parhaganj at the moment- it is the Backpacker hide away of Delhi.
Delhi at tis busiest and dustiest and most packed [ not where i take my tour groups...] but quite fascinating.
going to sleep last night I can undertand descriptions of a city seething and humming with life.
the area is dense with humanity , everyone getting on with their day to day lives. When so many do it so closly together it really creates a vibe, add the India enjoyment of communication and event and you really have a lot happening.

there has been quite a number of brass bands rattling up the street a full volume- I have looked around wondering where the bride groom is and not seen one. A friend explained yesterday that these were the funnerals of very old people.
Some old people set aside money for a brass band at theuir funeral to cheer everyone up so they won't feel sad. I don't want to be disresptful of the convention and it is a thoughtful idea but hearing the volume from up the street I can onlt think it rattles all sad thoughts [and possily one's teeth] right out of one!

The little hotel I am in is a bit run down but scrupulously clen and I think the little pot plant filled roof top restaurant could possible baost one of the best cooks in India! He is certainly producing the best meals I have had! yum! [ drop me an email if you are coming this way and i will pass on th details]

Out to explore contemporary art galleries today and probably have to try lunch in a nice cafe all in the name of resaerch.... oh the hard work involved in preparing for my tours!

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