Sunday, April 15, 2007

home and away again.

finaaly getting on top of things- it has been a rushed 2 weeks!
needed to dill the freezer again for my boys, the chocolate cakes keeps disappearing as fast as i bake!
catch ujp on office work- bother!
get organized for the next round of teaching and try to escape to the workshop to do a bit of my own stuff.
i have another exhibition coming up... have been doing a lot of preparation whilst along the road but nothing beats the studio!
the 2 white ones are close ups of differnt ideas "Journal-leaves, a meditation on leaving" will be the title perhaps.....who knows just yet.
the fun thing i have had a chance to do is spand the day working with my friend Dawn on a gift for her daughters wedding. we intend to write on it little homilies about love and pertnership and then back it on black- a wall quilt.
fun to work together.
framers tomorrow and then out the door again on Tuesday evening!
can't wait until mid may to be home for a patch... i already have an idea i want to explore for another body of work......

1 comment:

maggie said...

BEAUTIFUL and very touching. i like it just the way it is.

portland maine