Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Eggs with a twist

Doors finally installed- they are straight that is my photography....just 2 months late but who cares now?
beautiful old style [crazy foreigners!]
Kitchen almost unpacked- here are my 20 kgs of lemons salting, to be made into pickles next week...hotels go through tonnes of pickle!

veg garden i have been working on every spare minute for weeks- finally here when it rains so I can see drainage....and got to play sandpits in the rain...making drainage ditches....just planted silverbeet, lettuce, parsley, tomato, chilli and eggplant seedlings out before the rain so they were very happy!

Now we don't live in Pushakr we can eat non0veg [here veg don't eat eggs]
I love these spicy eggs with soft fresh chapatti. don't know where I got the recipe...

Spicey Eggs

boil a few eggs

in another pot

  • dot of oil

  • gently fry
 1/2 carraway seeds
add 1 t garlic
1 t ginger pounded
few curry leaves [let me brag I just walked out to MY garden and picked mine]
  • perhaps a dab of water to thin it a little; here in traditional Indian cooking they would use more oil but i try to avoid that.
  • add

    1 t red chilli powder- cook few minutes

  • peel eggs, cut in half and gently stir into sauce- ssssssoooooooo yummy


Jo said...

Yummy!!! I have lots of eggs in my backyard so will defiantly try this!!
Love the photos of your garden and dream of being there one day to help......

Jo said...

Yummy!!! I have lots of eggs in my backyard so will defiantly try this!!
Love the photos of your garden and dream of being there one day to help......