Friday, December 31, 2010

Camel problems...

 Poor Baba has a big problem....and in this episode it all reveloved around us intereupting his breakfast....
For me for many years having to pick maggots out of a fly-blown sheeps bum would rate as the worst thing I have had to do; there is something about the way they wriggle around and run away from you as you are chasing them through living flesh that is truely disgusting.....and, and, and the distinct pop as you squeeze them out is simply nauseating....
Well in the world I live in life just keeps getting better and I keep getting bigger opportunities for growth in my experiences....and the Universe has offered me a new all time high in the revolting stakes.

 Pulling maggots out of a camel's nose!!
yukkkkkk, like really yuk as those little white fellows try and wriggle away from you....

 For all his size and strength Baba is really very passive, we tied off his mouth, and he will snap although so far he had never bitten anyone hard enoiugh to break skin- it is more a "bugger off" type mouthing.
He nevere tries to jump up and run away or anything, just lets out the most pathetic groans about how miserable he is....
Well it turned out most of his misery yesterday was over his interupted breakfast, he kept eyeing off the bowl as we were working on him, nervous someone would steal it....once we untied him and he had his nose in the bowl he seemed to had completely forgotten the whole episode.
Not quiet true he may be very laid back but he is not stupid.....he know types of activity in the yard....most things are fine but if Mukesh and I start circling at the same time and non-food bowl things come out his eyes start to get real sharp and watchful, ears are up and neck is swivelling- "what are they up to?" hangs in the air....a camel wondering should he be nervous?


Jacky said...

I think Baba is just lucky you are to experience having your own camel. It sounds like he has quite a personality!

Have a wonderful New Year!

Jacky xox

Beatriz said...

How stupid is the urban life I lead! I´ve never touched a camel. This is sad. Baba looks great with his head above the full bowl. You should keep him that way!

Happy New Year!