Monday, June 27, 2011

everyday madness

Our student has just gone home, just a quick visit but so stimulating talking with her, talking about being the artist and the necessity of being a business person as well if you plan to eat.
It was kind of like leading a tour- because you have new people with you, you feel like you are discovering things again for the first time. Discussing what we are up to and out philosophy with Kylie gave us a chance to re-discover certain things, feed back helps you look with fresher eyes as well.
 Workshop is still going well- honey moon is over...are we are tweaking and adjusting to get things running smoothly but on the whole so happy....yesterday was rather frustrating workwise....first electricity gone so no stitching, then electrician turns up to connect new generator for just such an outside supply cames back but has to be turned off in the workshop to do the connection!!! Oh well by the end of the day machines were wizzing along and can now continue to do so.
 I love painiting cloth, and here am getting a chance to play with so many skills I have developed over the years...satisfaction.
Praveen was a bit nervous about becoming a capra wallah [textile fellow] He is such a smart man, but no schooling leaves him with a self image sometimes of being less than capable. Self taught his English is great, he can read, a bit slowly but he can well and truely make things out in Hindi and English....he keeps a calendar in his [and thank goodness I am terrible at dates!] and can work out all the maths we need in his head.....all this from a guy that was on a cycle rickshaw at 12 supporting all his family.

Any way his has got over worrying and is jumping in at everything we need to do for our business and is fully engaged I am so proud of him.
 Sometimes needing to jump out of the way rather smartly as he picks things up and gets on with it.
A partnership in the full sense of the word is so satisfying.
 as usual Baba baby is around somewhere keeping an eye on things....

with the first shower of rain in many months we realised our roof leaks like a sieve but try as we might we can't get workman to fix it...and now monsoon is arrived it is too late for the life revoleves around being careful where we put things in case the rain starts and a new drip occurs. All our different textile projects which I had sorted in an orderly way have to be stashed away in case of drips and now I spend a lot of time rummaging - where did I put that thing????
A nice suprise every so often -I opened a trunk I had jumbled jackets into- and didn't it look good?

next job is to get some posted off and others on the inetrnet for sale......good to have something to aim for.

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