Saturday, June 06, 2020

and so the day starts.....

Good morning, Good morning, nameste

good morning

it is lovely at my workshop first thing in the morning, my gang are beautiful people.

I have not had much to say for a while

Lockdown here in India was grueling, and I was a lucky one with a house to be locked into and enough money to buy food.
I did not think you would appreciate knowing how many steps in a circuit of my roof, how many circuits in 10 km..... that was about the extent of my days by the end of it, with a little afternoon craft.

So relieved to get back in the workshop and touch base with my people and start doing things again.
Now my circuit is all that walking and then a bigger loop to the workshop and back- it feels so much more healthy :)

Sunsets and Sunrise have been my companion...
It is an extraordinary year.
April and May are usually hotter than hell year, the only weather events are big wind storms that turn my white marble floors brown with dust.

All through Covid we have had clouds
more clouds
and rain storms..... it feels like Monsoon months before it is due.

Last year's monsoon was incredibly generous as well.... old guys around saying they have only heard of such rains from the grandfather's time.....

Wells are starting to have water in them....they have been dry for 30 years.

 This is truly wonderful for our local farmers.... being desert edge they struggle with failed harvests more often than super bountiful....


I do worry, this is a huge change in weather patterns.... more beneficial than bushfires in Australia or melting glaciers

a huge shift all the same.
What is happening with our world?

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