Saturday, August 20, 2005

what's the point

What is the point of this blog? Why not just keep a journal, is it a sign of the Big Brother world where everything is on view? Am I more of an exhibitionist than I realised, do I take myself that seriously?
It is all a little scary really.
I think it will be a useful way to get myself in the habit of jotting down notes, give me a chance to practice being able to more clearly express myself in explaining what I am up to, hopefully give me some valuable feedback….who knows??????? I don’t know who I am talking to – if anyone- but it is definitely not the same as writing only for myself, seems more do-able some how.
This morning I sent two small pieces off to an exhibition in the States organized through contacts of Dijanne Cevaal
[ was going to show a photo but it won't uplaod again?????????]- next time

At the moment I am struggling between a desire to work rather large and the need to produce a number of small pieces for my Masters Degree exhibition. Seems I am a contrary type- need to go to one format and instantly want to do something different.
Work for the Masters has been a struggle but I am starting to daydream about them so I must be getting closer to the works themselves.

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