Sunday, February 25, 2007


India again, it has been a few weeks and I have not had the chance to upload images and so not written but i have seen so many wonderful sights......

Textile shop inUdaipur

written 2 weeks ago whenI arrivedBack in Udaipur in India, I have met up with some friends [ English and Aussie] to spend a week of intensive studio with my friend Yaqob-ji.

When I say intense that is the word to use he is a very generous teacher but exacting… we get tired and would like to skive off but we need to finish or tasks first!
Mature aged we may be but students are naughty students time over it seems.

We have been working at chundri techniques [ that is the local name for tie and dye] and dying techniques
In between lots of philosophy and Indian culture… a very rich experience.

Lunch is samosa and other savory snacks , hot chai and sweets- we are working our way through the vast selection in the shop neareby…all yummy. On the way each day we pass fruit stalls with fresh, ripe sweet fruit- for a few cents a bag. Everything is fresh not cold stored and boy! Can you taste the difference.

Afternoon tea was very ritzy in a lovely café in the courtyard of the Palace- great coffee and things and came to a very expensive $16 for the 4 of us- go figure..

And then I did a little shopping in the wonderful Bara Bazaar- the street of haberdashery.
I have a budget of $30 to supply a friend’s fix… I don’t know if I am going to be able to spend that vast amount of money- if I do I will need a separate bag to put it all in….oh well

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