Friday, August 17, 2007

Inspiration and self support

17 August, 2007
I have had an inspiring time lately talking to a few different friends, all in their own little businesses working in the arts or healing.
It is one thing to have a passion, then you need to put the efforts in to let it flow and be comfortable with using it.
Then it is a big leap to let it support you- yes I mean not being a starving artist, but a happy and prosperous artist.

There is something in one that tends to switch on and say you can’t be that committed if you are worrying about the business side of it.
I wonder how those world class athletes feel when they are doing product endorsements? That is necessary to give them the finances to have the time to keep training and achieving, it is necessary! Bottom line.
Well the same to be a successful artist and the ones I talk to who are well known and have a life not just a subsistence do need to allocate time to work their business, as well as look after there home, see friends etc- it is part of life.

I am working on feeling OK with acknowledging those aspects of my life.
I put a lot of effort into my exhibition work, a lot of effort into my teaching work and a lot of effort into my tours and it is Ok for all to be rewarding both emotionally and financially.

This letter is a real get it off your chest type thing isn’t it?
When you are getting used to something new it is important for you to share it with supportive people to let it sink in.
As you blossom as an artist and step into it more it is important to share your work with constructive people. [ those that say yes without thinking and those that are just to negative are neither beneficial- for different reasons. Both are hard to believe though]

I have just come across 2 very inspiring books
World Textiles- John Gillows- eye candy and informative…so many places to visit! Is how it strikes me and I can’t wait to see all those things in situ. One of my life’s goals actually India, sub Sahara- Africa, morocco are highest on the list at this moment.

The Artist’s Way Julia Cameron would be one of the most useful gifts you could give yourself as an artist or even if you just want to live life more creatively.
Do get it and really work at her suggestions, I have done some of these things for years others a new but I can see their worth.
Unlock those creative energies! And enjoy!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Ah, Fiona - thank you for sharing "the soft, vulnerable belly" of artistic life. I love what you said in your second paragraph - passion, flow, comfort, leaping, happiness - this is what any of us want from our creative endeavours.

Julia Cameron has a lot to say about tuning out the negative people, doesn't she? Supportive friends are jewels.