Wednesday, August 13, 2008

the Uk and the Festival of Quilts

I just got off a plane, it is a long way from Sydney to London....and the weather was very similar in both places yet it was an Aussie winter and an English summer!
still feeling a bit fuzzy around the edges,this is the wonderful sight that greated me this morning...last time I was here is was cold, cold, make that freeezing and snow was falling [ I do believe they refered to that season as spring]
now it has burst out into this profusion of colour and life.

The world truely is wonderful.
I have to run now to pick some fresh raspberries and blackberries for the breakfast...

Tomoorow it is off to the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham- after I give a talk in the morning I have the day to wander and be amazed- I know there is going to be such interesting eye candy...then a lady to talk to about Mali and Burkino Faso- so exciting...

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