Friday, February 06, 2009

In the garden

Just after we got the OK on our hotel, we were sitting having chai one morning and I said to Praveen I could not wait to get my hands dirty in the garden.
He almost choked on his tea!!
"What - get your hands dirty?? That is the staff's job- you surpervise."
He was quiet definite it was unbecoming to get dirty in the garden...not often my man says no, you can't do something...
Since then he has relaxed and when we had a big gardening day last Sunday I could not get him out of my way....I even had to wrestle the water hose off him yesterday when I was watering our newly planted greenery.

Rabi- one of our staff, he is a lovely young man, keen, funny always wanting to learn something new and very hard working.

Brings to mind things that are unbecoming- I was in the kitchen teaching Rabi and Muna [our cook] how to make marmalade- we had a great time together, got it all into bottles and wiped down then I grabbed the saucepan to wash out and Muna, who is usually very quiet and shy said,"No, no, no..." and indicated he would do the saucepan- I said "no it is OK." and he just shook his head and almost pushed me away from the sink- without touching me of course- that would be too familiar...but it is obviously unbecoming of me to wash up!

Now that is one I can get used to

...they must all think I am a bit funny....I am loud, laugh a lot and make jokes and like TO DO things, rather than supervise...still we are learning to all work well I think.

Praveen and I are enjoying ourselves enormously!

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