Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Pukka Cooking Classes

 I like our cooking classes, or more correctly working from home with cooking classes and the Studio i like the people it brings into our realm.
Praveen and I always have a fun time sharing food and time and experience with people.
Last night we had 9  visitors here to learn to cook their dinner, so happy to report our kitchen is great.
Our visitors fabulous company....I supppose we are likely to expect that in time because it takes a certain type of person to head off exploring the world...they would have to be to find us.
We will alays have something in common because we are that way inclined as well!
 So last night we had 2 friends with their teenage kids joining us. The young gentleman James, will be a good cook some day and has potential in chapati making....take a look at the blog of their travels.
 I believe whole heartedly in expending your kids education like this....to see the world, and face the challenges of doing so; to see how others live and hence have more insight into how you live really sets up young people to get on with life and take the moment to enjoy it.
 put this photo opposite the above one and you have the whole scene, adoring friends admiring his work! Fun.
 Baba made a late arrival; he had been out working and arrived in a new layer of finery. You can see his association with Praveen- he obviously loves to shop and was also very happy to sit there and be admired as well as hook into dinner.
 A combined effort and dinner was yummy....

And this family were our other guests, great people to meet. They are on an adventure to travel the world, busk Beatles songs and raise money for UNICEF and generally live life to the fullest. So inspiring.
In the new year they will arrive in Australia along with their camervan, they are hoping to travel the distance of the East Coast of Australia, and park each evening in someone's drive way. In return they would be happy to make their host a proper English afternoon tea, perhaps throw in a few Beatles songs and after vsiting my place they could propably do a pretty good curry as well! Take a look at their website, you could email them and invite them over...they are off to the States after Oz.....and are the type of fasmily it is a real pleasure to meet as they are passing through.

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