Thursday, July 12, 2012

good week

Rain has come, temperature has dropped 10 degrees and though humidit all feels much gentler- thoughts are linking up in my mind again.
Last night I was sitting on the garden steps, little breezes were dancing around and I did not have one drop of perspiration welling up anywhere- OOOHHHHH bliss.
 Early evey second morning we make butter from the Matilda cow milk and then have litres and litres of buttermilk left over- some goes to the workshop, some to our friend Nandu, some to people who work for us and then the rest goes to neighbourhood families. Here are all the kids lined up with their containers
 and Praveen blissfully happy distributing food and good things to people. He is a very generous soul and happy about it
 Baba has a new trick [a whole series of pics on this link] He is usually very accomodating- you lead him here and he follows you lead him there and off he goes but now he is resistant to leave the courtyard in the morning....he stands and resists following Old Budda-ji, staring at the back door and batting his eye lids until someone calls me with a chapitti for him!
 Wedding invitation to my son David's marriage celebration to the wonderful Naimh- so excited and pleased for them.
 Praveen at work- we have made 2 small raggy quilts using our handloom block print- so cosy and soft in texture- he got the job of clipping seams- good man.
Brimming with ideas
Time for my next Voyage contribution...I had thought starting this I would make a journal sketch type quilt each entry, recording something of life here...but I find actually what I am currently doing in the workshop takes over all my imagination.
So we are doing clothes, quilts, many things...this time I am trying to complete bag kits which have stitched panels in them, I have a pile of stitched bits that are rejects because of size, stitch density or what ever. They have their own charm just don't fit in standard catagories...I want to make a crazy quilt/s with them one day....until then I am obsessing over a Women's space for some of our work and thinking about all the building we have been doing with our women's skills and work opportunities and so here is my small contribution.
"Building Blocks"
We do need bricks and mortor but the foundation will be our stitching skills.

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