Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Indian Inspiration Creative Camp

We've got a new idea!!
I've already mentioned it....and you know what I am like....driving me nuts enjoying all the details to be thought of....
much plotting and planning to be done, new Heritage Hotel near Bagru to be checked out...going on Friday and we will have most things starting to settle into place.
Got a few invitees who have skills to share...stitch people, journal maker...but mostly it is you and your skills, India and being away from home for inspiration and a great place to work that is the focus.
Excited by the ideas...take a look at the idea so far.
We have just had a week end!
Diwali and full moon so workshop closed for 2 days and we actually stayed home, left all office work and workshop responsibilities aside and hung out.
 we went on a camel cart picnic.... great way celebrate a birthday....
 Dawn is visiting...working on book ideas using papers and bits and pieces she gathered up whilst on tour...I think she has some twine made from my sari silk to bind it....
Baba is looking cool with his new nose rose...and boy does he know it!
I did succumb and wash a few saris but mostly did not think of work!!

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