Saturday, March 09, 2019

Brain Frizz


We have a little shop.... not expert but... I have been working on it, couldn't see how to do proper inventory and have gone through help many times, finally, finally today I have made some headway.

Now to go and re-gig it all,
that will need a big WHEW!! at the end, but I have found the way into the maze and can look for the light.

What do you want for Christmas? I want someone with good English and a love of all this tech savie stuff to help me.
Marketing, fixing websites, tweaking said website and then getting stuff out there for people to find us.
Had a lovely women in yesterday looking at our natural dye colours for her production... she has the most beautiful feed on Instagram and a very well performing online shop and in 20 minutes of conversation blew my mind with observations and ideas.
It is the website that needs to come up in search engine... people are out there looking for you but if you don't come up in the search engines they wont find you.
Fair enough.... how to improve your score.
Ask an expert.
I have said to Praveen I can't do this- he looked very confused? You can't do something? Can't you learn? Probably could but I don't have the time or enthusiasm, we need to pay someone with the expertise and enthusiasm.

Big step for me. I want more space in my head for nice stuff I like and also those things I have to do myself because I have not yet found a way to delegate them, not agonizing over things that can be delegated.

Also Please send me a production manager Universe :)
Gang is doing so well with tablets and documentation on tablets- just need a big picture person to keep it all on track when I am out on tour or just out of office mode in workshop playing with a new idea.

So done a little tweaking on website for The Stitching Project
going to really get started on The Shop overhaul next week.
and got the next Creative Arts Safaris Bengal Tour to write up and list. Which is rather exciting to be on so happy to dream about it as I organize.  I have to also work out how to do behind the scene taggy things and links and stuff - really waiting for my soon to be discovered expert to help me on this bit :)

never boring
never easy
always interesting

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